Old Red Jacket Talker

Just an old RCMP dispatcher’s ramblings . . .

Hard To Get Motivated

It has been awhile since I last actually sat down and played with the keys. There have been a few things going on in my small world that have caused me a bit of grief of late. Nothing major, just a few disagreements with the way others feel our life should be lived to what we feel our life should be. Hey, it’s our life, we should be able to live it how we want to so ‘take a hike’!

Of course I always find the month of February to be a dull month. I’ve had enough of winter by now and we were not lucky enough to take a holiday to the sunny south or anything like that. I just want it to get over with so we can get onto March and hopefully the start of some warmer weather and the start of some new ‘green’ surroundings. As I sit typing on Feb 29th the weather is not really that bad. The temperature is -2.2 C according to my weather station. However, I just returned from walking down town to check the mail and let me tell you the wind makes the temperature feel a lot cooler than it is.

Even this morning when I did the papers it was only -14.5 C but it just felt cooler. There was very little wind, but it seems the humidity is high which makes the air feel cooler as far as I’m concerned. This morning my papers were delivered late, so I was doing the route in double time to try to make up some time. Maybe that is why it felt cooler on my face than the temperature indicated it should be 🙂

Another reason to look forward to the end of February is that the T4 slips must be out by March 1st. That means that I can get my income tax sent away. I was looking forward to viewing the tax programs this year due to the new pension splitting capability that is new for 2007. This does seem to help Sam and I as the way it looks now we should be getting a refund a little larger than normal.

With the refund on the horizon, we felt we could splurge and buy ourselves a new 50″ Samsung HD plasma TV. While we were at it, we went whole hog and got a 1200 watt Samsung home theatre system to go with the new new TV. Definitely a larger picture than the old 27″ we had. It did take a few days to get used to the larger size, but now I/we really like it. I guess our next project will be to upgrade our satellite dish and PVR to HD but I thought I’d leave that until the weather was a bit warmer. It will be so much easier when the temps are warmer to run new wiring and install the new dish.

I’m still curling every Monday and doing a little better than I was last year. This year I moved up to play 3rd which was a bit more than I wanted to do but so far it seems to be okay. I’ve learned quite a bit. Thankfully the players that are skips are really good at explaining the ‘why fors’ and the ‘how comes’ to a new person. I have actually won a few games this year which is a lot better than last year at about this time. I think we only have about 3 more weeks to go and the curling will be done for another year. In one way that makes it sad as you just know fewer people will be out next year. The good thing is that this normally means the weather is getting too warm for the ice, so that means the snow should be melting soon outdoors. 🙂

Otherwise, it is just same old same old. Just taking life easy and looking forward to the spring/summer to be able to spend a lot more time outdoors in the flower bed or with the bbq. Don’t even get me started about going north to the lake country. That’s too early to even think about!

February 29, 2008 - Posted by | Family

1 Comment »

  1. Wow!!! Congrats on the upgrade… you must be thankful for your new investment with these cold winter days, it’s nice to be able to curl up, stay warm, and watch a movie!!!

    Comment by Shar-Lee | March 3, 2008 | Reply

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